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People of Washington deserve to know about all candidates that registered to take part in elections. They deserve to get sufficient and accurate information about all candidates and enough in advance, but that does not happen. That is why voters get to the general election with the same disappointment every time (talking about majority, not happy minority).

Most candidates that registered, have expected but are not getting the same equal FREE access to the media (TV, Radio, Press, etc) to get their platforms out, except for the 4 "Worthy" ones (for governor, but other races no different) that raised the most money?? Really?? What about SELF FUNDED ONES? Why are people that raised the most money considered "Better"? What metrics or criteria are being used for that: Being prone to CORRUPTION or to control by the ruling elites?

These "Top Four" are not the smartest or the brightest, not the self funded or self made. Not the most experienced or the best educated, not the most accomplished or the most hard working. None of that. The only common thread visible is that they are promoted by the corrupted two party system, they are "Forever" government employees, bureaucrats and career politicians, they have tunnel vision and lack experience in business and life and a lot of them are undereducated for the governor job that they desire dearly.

Why then the "Less Worthy" Governor Candidates pay the same fees to participate? Both parties control the media and promote only the ones that THEY Want (or control).

The state officials claim that there is democracy in this state. All Candidates, that paid full cash amounts, required for registration, should have equal access to all media sources in the state to be able to present their views and platforms. Because if not, then this is Election Interference and Inslee and Bob Ferguson have created these conditions to maintain control of the Power and fool the voters.

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