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Mr. Reichert is a career bureaucrat.   Even if he's a good guy he still has no business experience.  What has he accomplished?

How can we expect him to solve Washington's socioeconomic problems when he has no business experience?


How can we expect him to solve our high crime rates if, for 20 years, he could not solve the Green River Killer case and then claimed all of the credit for it?  At that efficiency rate not much will be accomplished in 4 years if he gets elected.

Check out this video about Mr. Reichert's record as Sheriff of King County


Now he wants to establish a Homeless Department with a Homeless Director position.  How much will this cost the taxpayers?   It will just continue our current administration's wasteful policies like buying hotels to house the homeless (probably above market rates).  Will it be staffed by campaign donors?


How can we expect our cost of living not to increase more and more with all of these additional costs, that will lead to extra taxes, imposed by these incompetent bureaucrats with zero business experience? 

We need to lower costs on car tabs, property taxes, housing, gasoline, tolls, and overall cost of living.

We need better and less expensive healthcare.  We need to overhaul our education system.  We can't let the bureaucrats continue to ruin our state!  As Forrest Gump says, Stupid is as stupid does!

How can we expect career politicians to do better when they have no business experience and no clue what to do.

We need to elect smarter more competent people - not the ones who are the most popular, have raised the most money or smile better.  

Click the links below for a story about Mr. Reichert.  We have a Sheriff/cop that ran King County police for 30+ years that falsely claims to single handedly catching a serial killer after over 20 years of failures, when his own supervisors and co-workers say he hindered the investigation rather than helped it. The county’s crime rate is crazy – his legacy?   Why hire Roofer that makes leaky roofs?

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Reichert touts law record, but critics don't see it his way (

Two top fundraisers (from Uniparty Demo/Republicans) have already wasted over $9,000,000 combined (as of July 15th) on their campaigns, just wait till it’s over to see the final numbers. What do you think they will do with the State Budget, if they get into the Office? Both are Forever Government Employees and Career Politicians, that don’t have a clue what actual Labor work is. In addition, you have a Sheriff (Police Cop) on one side and Attorney Police cop (Attorney General) on the other. What a “great” choice we have here?!

Problems are artificial barriers, created by fools and imbeciles, because they lack the ability to solve them. That is why the longer they are in charge, the more problems people have – this is so simple. Smart people are very rare and very precious, like there is less of them than 1 in a million and an average folk could not tell who is who. But the hint is, look at what they’ve done. For example, if your neighbor’s roof is leaking, Do NOT use their roofer.

If your life and socioeconomic conditions surrounding you, keep getting worse and worse, and the people in charge blame everything and everybody for that and come up with ridiculous excuses (like you produce too much heat, etc.), THEN you should know –this is a very telling sign – you got IDIOTS in charge and if you want improvements, then get your Forever Politicians and biased Judges out of their offices as quickly, as you can. When you hear the phrase “We will fight for you ” – that’s your tip, a telltale – they are LIARS.   Another tip: Stupid people (in charge) can only produce Stupid - that is all they got!


What have the so called top two candidates accomplished?  What is accomplishment?

Accomplishment is not getting elected, moving up a ladder by being connected or by being a puppet, becoming a government employee, and building empires of bureaucrats staffed by people who contribute to campaigns of the politicians.

Accomplishment is overcoming difficulties and adversities, when the odds are stacked against you, when you work more than 7 days a week, including a lot of labor. And when 30 years later, you find out that you accumulated more wealth than the so-called “Top Four” contenders did together. They pale in comparison: they did RAISE more MONEY (large donors imply corruption) while Alan has SELF-FUNDED and owe no favors to anybody. They are FOREVER politicians, careerists and government employees WITH NON-EXISTENT BUSINESS EXPERIENCE and no real clue on what to do. They claim they do, but they don’t.

Dave Reichert is 74 years old and has been a government employee and career politician for most of his life.  Do we expect him to change now?


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